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Planning and Policy Measures for Universal Services in Smart Cities
Cho, Sangkyu Senior Research Fellow Kim, Younghyun Research Fellow Nam, Seongwoo Associate Research Fellow Song, Yumi Assistant Research Fellow Moon, Boram Assistant Research Fellow
  • Basic 2021-7
  • 2021.10.31
  • 5Page
  • Hit 5848

In response to the Fourth Industrial Revolution and to solve various urban problems in citizens’ daily lives, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport is pursuing various smart city projects such as National Pilot Smart Cities, Smart Challenges, R&D for innovative growth, and Creative Talent Promote Project. In addition, local

governments are also establishing smart city plans in an attempt to embrace innovative technologies tailored to them. To ensure the smart city services and technologies work stably and sustainably, considerations should be given to actual end users, rather than unilaterally supplying these services and technologies. In this context, suppliers (central and local governments and private companies) are striving to identify and develop smart

city services closely associated with citizens’ daily lives regardless of their income level or age, whether they be urban or rural residents.


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