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A Study on the Urban Design Methods for the Environment-Friendly Neighborhood Development
Yu, Kwangheum Research Fellow Cho, Sangkyu Associate Research Fellow Oh, Sunghoon Associate Research Fellow
  • AURI-Basic-2009-11
  • 2009.12.31
  • 214Page
  • Hit 1360

 The built environment in a city has been renewed by various constructions from a single building to the development of a new city. In this aspect, the urban planning projects which animately occur in Korea would be a great opportunity to improve the urban structure and urban space and make it more environment-friendly. For instance, the amount of area of the urban development of 687 districts in 2007 is 342,113,451㎡, and the amount of the area of the urban planning of 3,118 districts is 96,475,914㎡, which almost is the two-thirds of Seoul’s area.

 For a long time, there have been a bunch of theoretical discussions and systemic efforts to achieve the environment-friendliness in urban design and architecture, but it hasn’t begun to establish a quantitative target or a specific action plan yet in terms of the reduction of greenhouse gas emission. For solving this problem, it is required to quantitate the previous theories and planning methods of the
environment-friendliness being appropriate with the new goal, which is the reduction of greenhouse gas emission. Moreover, it is necessary not only to figure out the cost for formulating the method of urban planning which reduces the emission of greenhouse gas, but also to have the support system of policy so that it makes the reduction of greenhouse gas occur voluntarily on the market.

 The goal of this study is to reinforce the environment-friendliness on the built environment in a city, and more specifically, to support the constitution of the government policy in terms of the reduction of the greenhouse gas which occurs in a city. For this goal, we did look at current city planning methods and searched for foreign as well as national precedents based on the environment-friendly neighborhood development’s concept and conditions. We were able to find out the environment-friendly city planning indicators from this research, and we intended to suggest the action of supporting policy verifying the cost of applying these indicators and the effect of reduction.


Yu - other reports

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