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Research Area


For preservation and utilization of architectural and cultural assets, perform the role as a platform connecting the public, government, industry, and academia and conduct research with the goal of promoting national architectural culture and enhancing regional identity by building a database of architectural and cultural assets, operating information systems, supporting policies, and promoting related education and advertisement.

Main Functions

  • Promote the preservation and utilization of architectural and cultural assets by developing standard information systems for architectural assets, building a database to actively support the architectural asset promotion policy, and building and operating a platform connecting space-people-funds as an integrated knowledge information system.
  • Propose principles and directions for the preservation and utilization of architectural assets by discovering and promoting the value of local architectural assets through research on designing and remodeling techniques, and regional ripple effects, etc.
  • Promote legislative improvement and public awareness for the preservation and promotion of architectural assets by establishing a cooperative system with the public, governmental agencies, industries, and schools, and conducting field-based research, education, and advertisement.

Research achievement

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