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Policy Tools for Encouraging Exterior Balconies of Residential Buildings in Response to the Living Spaces Challenge under COVID-19
Cho, Sangkyu Senior Research Fellow Kim, Younghyun Research Fellow Nam, Seongwoo Associate Research Fellow Kim, Shinsung Assistant Research Fellow
  • Provisional 2020-6
  • 2020.12.31
  • 3Page
  • Hit 1515

The purpose of this study is to propose an appropriate model to a new residential building differentiated from the existing system to the post COVID-19. Therefore, the size and shape of balconies suitable as a safe and healthy space in residential buildings that can accommodate changes in living behavior and living space requirements due to infectious diseases such as COVID-19 were architecturally reviewed. Subsequently, it attempted to review and propose a legal system for introduction and activation.


Cho - other reports

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