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A Study on the Building Rooftop Utilization
Ko, Youngho Associate Research Fellow Cho, Sangkyu Research Fellow
  • AURI-Provisional-2015-7
  • 2015.12.18
  • 3Page
  • Hit 1474
  Various urban projects to develop and install vegetable gardens, community parks, or solar PV(photovoltaic) systems on a building rooftop are an inevitable observation in a city fully developed so being lack of available land area for other spatial uses. Seoul, S. Korea, is a representative city in terms of promoting building rooftop spaces for solar PV and green rooftop systems.
  This study aims to propose the improvement of legislation and policy that relates to the promotion of rooftop solar PV and green rooftop system. For this, current legislation and policy are examined. The types and cases of rooftop PV and greening systems are reviewed as well. Focusing on the buildings in Seoul, this study also analyzed the characteristics of individual building to examine the distribution of buildings which are available for solar PV and green rooftop system.

Ko - other reports

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