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A Study on Introduction and Application policy of Green Building Bonds
Lee, Eunseok Associate Research Fellow Cho, Sangkyu Research Fellow Park, Sungnam Associate Research Fellow
  • Provisional 2018-2
  • 2018.09.07
  • 7Page
  • Hit 21772
Summary This study aims seeking green building incentives which minimize the financial burden of the government in accordance with market principles. In order to enable the public to live in green buildings and zero-energy buildings, this study tries to find suggestions to government to expand the green building using financial system so that the environmental constraints discussed above could be removed through financial techniques. It also tries to understand the marketability of buildings in order to enhance the participation of the financial sector. In other words, it tries to propose a financial approach that can build a cyclical market base through increasing green building profitability and increasing demand.

Lee - other reports

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