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Applications of the National Building Energy Integrated Management System for the Public and Private Sector
Cho, Sangkyu Research Fellow Lee, Eunseok Associate Research Fellow
  • AURI-Basic-2016-2
  • 2016.10.31
  • 6Page
  • Hit 5943
In the new climate era, the systematic dissemination and operation of green architecture need government efforts. The greenhouse gas related to using building is much more than the building construction process. The building greenhouse gas emissions control should focus on the efficient use of the various energy sources consumed by the activities of people in the building. The solution should be ranked first in the ranking.
As part of this effort, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport built a national building energy integrated management system in 2015. Specifically, the government prepared a legal basis for the creation of the information system through amendment of the "Green Building Support Act." Based on this, a new system for energy consumption disclosure and building energy consumption certification was established, and conditions for collecting national building and energy information were created. Currently, the name is changed to 'Building energy greenhouse gas information system, ' and the Korea Appraisal Board is in operation.

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