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Promoting Data Economy by Expanding Open Data Policy of Architectural Administration Data
Kim, Younghyun Research Fellow Cho, Sangkyu Senior Research Fellow Kim, Sinsung Assistant Research Fellow Song, Yumi Assistant Research Fellow
  • Basic 2020-15
  • 2020.12.31
  • 3Page
  • Hit 3878

In the era of the 4th industrial revolution, data is emerging as a source of competition for all countries and companies, and is recognized as the new capital of the global economy. In recent years, according to the data economy revitalization policy, the government is planning to open data by selecting data that should be developed intensively.

Architectural administration data is information that is directly related to the urban environment such as residential welfare, disaster and disaster prevention, urban planning, and local energy and is directly related to the daily life of the people, and more than 60% of the administrative tasks performed by the basic local government are related. It is now necessary to actively utilize it as a “policy resource” that can create new values along with the 4th industrial revolution, rather than being managed as “data” from the perspective of administrative work.


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