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The Current Status and Overseas Cases for the Architectural and Urban Information and Record Management
Yu, Kwangheum Research Fellow Cho, Sangkyu Associate Research Fellow Eum, Woonjin Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-2007-Basic-7
  • 2007.12.31
  • 105Page
  • Hit 17510
Summary  The creation of the built environment involves huge amount of information and records. As these are important public capital which forms intellectual basis for architecture and urban policy, related industries, culture and academic research, many countries have made efforts for the management of information and records related to the built environment. However, in Korea, enough attention has not been paid for the issue in the course of rapid urbanization after the establishment of the government.
 This study aims to draw preliminary policy directions of information and records management in the architecture and urban design field in Korea. For the purpose, this study reviews current status of related public information and records, and relevant overseas cases.

Yu - other reports

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