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Architectural Policy Recommendations in Response to the Changing Policy Environment
Cho, Sangkyu Research Fellow Kim, Younghyun Assistant Research Fellow
  • AUR-정책-2013-9
  • 2013.12.31
  • 2Page
  • Hit 1334
Summary  Due to policies of the new government, and passing of architectural legislations such as the 'Urban Regeneration and Assistance Act', 'Architectural Service Promotion Act', substantial changes to the architectural sector is expected.
 This study aims to review the policy outcomes of the first Architecture Policy Fundamental Plan launched in 2010 so that pre-emptive measures can be taken in response to changed government policies. Furthermore, taking into account currently discussed megatrend notions and plans of the new government, the research derives policy agendas and conditions that need reflection in the establishment of the second Architecture Policy Fundamental Plan.

Cho - other reports

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