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A research institute that improves people's everyday living environments through innovative & inclusive national architecture and urban policies.

Mid-and Long Term Goals
  • Support the construction of future-oriented architecture and urban-spatial systems

  • Promote sustainable growth and sustainable urban architecture

  • Serve as a think-tank for the enrichment of architecture and urban culture

Mid-and Long-Term Strategies
  • 01Identify policy agendas citizens can feel and experience

  • 02Strengthen research developments responding to environmental changes in the future society

  • 03Derive research solutions meditating current on-site issues

  • 04Expand research results, customized to policy demands

  • 05Strengthen information services for public policy

  • 06Strengthen multi-disciplinary, collaborative research systems

  • 07Prepare integrated research system, utilizing next generation technologies

  • 08Strengthen domestic & overseas networks forn research collaborations & exchanges

  • 09Develop education and training programs

  • 10Expand global application strategies of research results

  • 1 1Optimize research environments and enhance welfare systems

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