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Compiling and Analyzing GHGs Emission Statistics in Building Sector for Green Building Policy
Cho, Sangkyu Associate Research Fellow Kim, Younghyun Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-기본-2013-9
  • 2013.12.31
  • 5Page
  • Hit 1336
Summary  According to the 2007 IPCC report, building sector related carbon emissions account for approximately a quarter of global carbon emission levels. The building sector is also identified as having the highest potential for reducing carbon emissions while requiring the lowest cost for such reduction efforts.
However, data regarding energy use and detailed statistics that form the basis of policy-making are still lacking. Currently, the greenhouse gas emission inventories of the building sector are obtained through the Yearbook of energy statistics, and calculations are based on energy supply data of the comprehensive energy reports where statistics are merely categorised into two parts, 'commercial
and public' and 'residential'. This makes it difficult to extract information according to different building use and energy consumption attributes.

Cho - other reports

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