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The establishment and operation of the National Public Architecture Center
Seo, Soojeong Research Fellow Kim, Younghyun Assistant Research Fellow Cho, Seaeun Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-Joint-2012-1
  • 2012.12.31
  • 381Page
  • Hit 3909
Summary Public architecture is deeply embedded in our society, embodies local and cultural significance, and affects the quality of our urban environment. Not only that, there are 143,000 public buildings in Korea amounting to 24 trillion KRW, and the number of facilities are increasing on a yearly basis, constituting towards a large segment of public asset. However, despite such increased significance of public architecture, the design quality remains low due to a number of reasons such as generally inadequate architectural project planning, absence of relevant expertise, and a bureaucratic design and build process. Such drawbacks have resulted in public facilities which fail to reflect the needs of local community by either being concentrated only in certain areas, or being built where there is no significant demand. There is also the problem of overly standardized design of public architecture which equally bears negative effects towards the overall built environment. Hence, the research aims to present the establishment and operation model of a centralized design support and management organization which enables sufficient architectural planning, systematically manages the design process at all stages of the project, operates a comprehensive public architecture database system, and fosters relevant specialists that are specifically required for public projects.

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