Research Paper
Strategies to Improve the Effectiveness of the Regional Architectural Policy
Kim, Younghyun Associate Research Fellow
Cho, Sanggyu Research Fellow
Lim, Hyunsung Associate Research Fellow
- AURI-Basic-2015-7
- 2015.10.31
- 4Page
- Hit 17295
Architecture policy in Korea has been initiated since the enactment of Architectural Framework Act in 2007. Although the enforcement was relatively late compared to foreign countries, especially European ones, the Architectural Framework Act and Basic Architectural Planning brought a number of remarkable facts that caused great impact to our architecture industry over the past 5 years.
The Local Architectural Planning were established out of obligation by the local government based on the Architectural Framework Act, but this had not been implemented systematically because of the institutional and administrative limitations. Therefore, many practicing professionals have many doubts concerning the policy effect which has been performed since the establishment of the Local Architectural Planning and even of the plan itself. This study points out the problems and the causes in terms of effectiveness of the plan by analyzing the scope and contents of Local Architectural Planning and results. Furthermore, it suggests the policy improvements and alternatives to secure the effectiveness of Local Architectural Planning.
Kim, Younghyun, Cho, Sanggyu, Lim, Hyunsung. (2015). Strategies to Improve the Effectiveness of the Regional Architectural Policy. Architecture & Urban Research Institute.
Kim, Younghyun, Cho, Sanggyu, Lim, Hyunsung. Strategies to Improve the Effectiveness of the Regional Architectural Policy.Architecture & Urban Research Institute. 2015
Kim, Younghyun, Cho, Sanggyu, Lim, Hyunsung. 2015. Strategies to Improve the Effectiveness of the Regional Architectural Policy. Architecture & Urban Research Institute.
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