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2019 Climate Change Policy Focused on Architecture and Urban
Lee, Eunseok Associate Research Fellow Kim, Younghyun Associate Research Fellow Kang, Hyunmi Associate Research Fellow Song, Yu-Mi Assistant Research Fellow Ji, Seokhwan Assistant Research Fellow
  • General 2019-7
  • 2019.12.31
  • 2Page
  • Hit 20062

The British Oxford Dictionary selected 'Climate Emergency' as a representative word for 2019. In this report, we will look at how the discomfort and anxiety of climate change that we are facing are affecting the living environment, the greenhouse gas reduction policy in Korea, the safety policy to maintain social sustainability, and climate. As a representative environmental change caused by change, we focus on fine dust. As a basis for seeking the direction of change due to climate change, we will seek alternatives to maintain a sustainable society through resilience, social innovation, and leading architectural and urban policies of developed countries.

It was discussed that the uncertainty due to climate change is increasing, and it is time to respond and practice based on the perception that we are creating threats ourselves. In addition, the fine dust was considered as anxiety factors due to changes in the atmospheric circulation system, and the social phenomena related to fine dust, the fine dust phenomena and characteristics, and the implications of the current fine dust policy were discussed.


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