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A Survey and an Encouragement Strategy on Architectural and Engineering Services Industry
Kim, Jinwook Associate Research Fellow Kim, Sangho Research Fellow Kim, Younghyun Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-Basic-2008-11
  • 2008.12.31
  • 181Page
  • Hit 1519

 In establishing a systematic development plan for a certain industry field, fundamental data which illustrate the present situation become the key factors. Statistical indicators, specifically, have significance for that they could examine the soundness and stableness of the field and verify the practical effectiveness of an industrial policy.

 Although data on Architectural and Engineering Services Industry were first revealed to the public through the 2005 Census on Service Industry, their capabilities to support policy-making are highly questionable. Furthermore, statistical indicators that grasp the present conditions of the industry are yet to be developed.

 Therefore, this study was designed to explore the recent trend in Architectural and Engineering Services Industry from an industrial viewpoint and to set the foundation of policy-making based on analysis of statistic data.


Kim - other reports

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