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Policy Implication on Mixed Use Public Buildings for Community Facility
Seong, Eunyoung Associate Research Fellow Kim, Younghyun Associate Research Fellow Lim, Hyunsung Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-Basic-2016-4
  • 2016.10.31
  • 4Page
  • Hit 1249
Recently, the demand for local community facilities with educational, cultural, and social welfare purposes has been on the rise and greater emphasis has been placed on the importance of public architecture as the center of community exchange for local residents. In existing urban areas, however, it is difficult to provide such facilities in enough quantities, due to high prices and lack of availability of land. In such cases, attempts are being made to utilize the available land more efficiently, by mixing various uses and centralizing public services. Despite various policy efforts, homogenous project means and procedures, institutional limits and lack of expertise together prevent making the most of such mixed-use public facilities. Therefore, this study implemented a survey of factual conditions and sought policy improvements, in order to make better use of public assets and to provide public services of better quality.

Seong - other reports

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