Research Paper
- Basic 2021-15
- 2021.12.31
- 6Page
- Hit 8137
The stabilization of the housing market has been one of the top policy priorities for the government as the housing price surged in the metropolitan areas recently. Despite many measures have been taken, the housing market remains unstable. The government announced a plan to secure site to provide 830,000 houses and provide multi-functional rental housing by 2025 as an emergency measure to stabilize the housing market. It seems that most of the projects are executed by the public sector or partial participation of the private sector. Meanwhile, with diversified housing demands new types of housing such as share house and co-housing emerged and demand for various kinds of housing services are increasing. To respond to this demand, the government and local governments have supplied public rental housing for each lifecycle or expanded support
for social housing or co-housing. However, this kind of support has not been established as a general way of supplying housing as most projects are one-off pilot project or limit the beneficiaries to a certain group of people.
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