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A Study on Rationalization of Architectural Fees Criteria of Public Project for Quality Improvement of Architectural Service
Youm, Chirlho Research Fellow Kim, Joowon Assistant Research Fellow Ham, Juyeon Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-건축서비스-2016-1
  • 2016.12.31
  • 4Page
  • Hit 19210
Recently, safety accidents related to buildings and facilities such as Pangyo ventilation accidents and Gyeongju Mauna Resort have been frequent, and the public's anxiety about the stability of buildings and urban environment has been amplified. As the public demand for building safety and quality increases, the responsibilities and tasks of designers are increasing.
However, 'Scope of works and price criterion of architect for public Project', which contains the tasks and cost criteria of architect, is based on the contents and price criterion of' Scope and cost criterion of architect 's service' established in 2002 . Especially, in the case of the price criterion announced in 1993 is maintained until now, so that it can not reflect the change of work environment and inflation rate over the past 20 years.
In order to solve these problems, this study was carried out with the aim of presenting the revision plan of the related system and 'Scope of Certified Architect's Services and Standards for Fees concerning Public Projects'.

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