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The Improvement of the Architectural Design Procurement System
Youm, Chirlho Associate Research Fellow Lim, Yookyoung Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-Provisional-2012-4
  • 2012.12.31
  • 220Page
  • Hit 2444
Summary Architectural design can be identified as a labor-intensive knowledge service industry, which provides high-level labor force and employment opportunities. Hence understanding the economical benefits of the architectural design industry there needs to be increased support and promotion on a national level to ensure its competitiveness. However, architectural design in Korea has been considered subordinate to the construction industry so far and as a result have been falling behind as an industry altogether. Therefore, it is urgently required that since architectural design is recognized as a knowledge service sector with high added values, the current design procurement system which emphasizes costs and past performances transforms to incorporate creativity and technical competence as major values. This study, therefore focuses on the improvement measures of the current design procurement system in order to effectively deliver projects by placing creativity and technical competence at its core.

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