Research Paper
Study on Methods of Building a Local Based Support Network for Architectural and Urban Programs and Revitalizing Its Coordinator Function
Youm, Chirlho Associate Research Fellow
Tchah, Chuyoung Associate Research Fellow
- AURI-Basic-2008-10
- 2008.12.31
- 265Page
- Hit 2251
Recently, programs for renewal and improvement of living environment in localities are shifting from traditional top−down approaches with the central government taking the leading role, to horizontal and bottom−up approaches which actively engage local residents and local governments in the decision−making process. Aiming to successfully implement existing local based urban renewal programs, the study carries out studies on foreign policies in order to derive implications for the domestic support system for architectural and urban programs, which is intended to undertake the function of collaboration and coordination among the main players, as well as supporting the players. Through the case studies, the study analyzes local based architectural and urban policies of the countries examined, their project promotion systems and roles of the players involved, and presents directions to the construction of local based governance and the architectural and urban support system.
Youm, Chirlho, Tchah, Chuyoung. (2008). Study on Methods of Building a Local Based Support Network for Architectural and Urban Programs and Revitalizing Its Coordinator Function. Architecture & Urban Research Institute.
Youm, Chirlho, Tchah, Chuyoung. Study on Methods of Building a Local Based Support Network for Architectural and Urban Programs and Revitalizing Its Coordinator Function.Architecture & Urban Research Institute. 2008
Youm, Chirlho, Tchah, Chuyoung. 2008. Study on Methods of Building a Local Based Support Network for Architectural and Urban Programs and Revitalizing Its Coordinator Function. Architecture & Urban Research Institute.
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