Research Paper
- Basic 2019-3
- 2019.10.31
- 5Page
- Hit 23688
So far, regional public facilities have been uniformly supplied in a uniform way by population size or by local governments due to the individual supply method according to the relevant laws of each facility. For local governments, most of the projects focused on new construction, rather than considering complex facilities, linking functions, and utilizing idle facilities.
In the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Japan, etc., the importance of the mid - to long-term Asset Management policy is increasing in order to make public facilities longevity and to enhance their value as they are burdened with the rising cost of maintenance and rapid aging of public facilities. Recently, the concept of asset management has expanded to include a comprehensive efficiency measure for public facilities, such as functional linkage, relocation, combined(mixed-use), and public-private cooperation by identifying and predicting service levels and demands required by current and future users at the local level, and analyzing the financial situation and the conditions of facilities. The purpose of this study is to present specific plans for asset management of local public facilities that have been considered conceptually.
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