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Research on the Planning Regulations and Spatial issues of Fire Station
Youm, Chirlho Research Fellow Park, Seokhwan Assistant Research Fellow Lee, Hwayoung Assistant Research Fellow
  • General 2018-8
  • 2018.12.31
  • 6Page
  • Hit 22671
The objective of this study is to analyse the status of the fire department regarding the age level, region, and size of each facility, reviewing the statistical year-end report of the fire department and the online site of E-AIS(Electronic Architectural administration Information System). In addition, the project overview and design guidelines notified on the Korea On-Line E-Procurement System over the past three years (from 2016 to 2018) will be analyzed and the three chosen projects that have been preliminary reviewed by Architecture and Urban Research Institute(AURI) in advance will be compared to the design competition stage and the construction completion stage to derive key issues and problems in the planning process. In addition, an interview survey was conducted with the staff for the establishing of the fire department to identify the relevant criteria, actual planning and composition, the need for improvement in the formation process, and difficulties in carrying out the actual project.

Youm - other reports

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