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N-minute City: An Empirical Study and Implementation Strategies
Seong, Eunyoung Research Fellow Kang, Hynmi Associate Research Fellow Her, Jaeseok Assistant Research Fellow
  • Basic 2021-8
  • 2021.12.31
  • 3Page
  • Hit 3922

As inevitable global crises of the climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic claim alternative approaches in urban policy to sustain the current quality of life, it is essential to provide the urban services on the basis of the neighborhood accessibility. To address this issue, “La ville de quart d’heure(15-minute city)” Paris, “Barrios Vitales(vital neighborhood)” of Bogota, “Complete Neighborhoods” of Portland, and “20-minute neighbourhoods” of Melbourne, are notable examples in the line of the urban policies so called “Chorono-Urbanism” or “n-minute city”. The implementation of n-minute city, however, is not simple as it involves multi-level planning approaches and specific strategies ranging from urban spatial structure and facility supplies to temporary land-uses. Through the empirical, multilateral analysis, this study demonstrated the current state of achievable n-minute for various Korean urban contexts, derived valid urban planning elements, and suggested implementation strategies to achieve n-minute city. It is organized in the following process.


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