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Making Streets for People : Urban Design Issues
Lim, Yookyoung Associate Research Fellow Seong, Eunyoung Associate Research Fellow Lim, Kangryoon Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-BASIC-2015-6
  • 2015.10.31
  • 3Page
  • Hit 17831
  Since the 1960s, the focus has been largely on the movement function of streets in the urban planning of Korea. More than 140 pedestrian overpasses and many highways were constructed in Seoul during the period of 1966~1970, under the mayor Hyeonok Kim. The result has often been places that are dominated by motor vehicles to the extent that they fail to make a positive contribution to the quality of life.
  Streets have to fulfil a variety of functions in order to meet people's needs as places for living, working and moving around in. In recent years, there were changes in policy directions; the policy makers started to think that better-designed streets contribute significantly to the quality of the built environment and play a important role in the creation of sustainable, inclusive, mixed communities. Many local authorities strive to improve and enhance the streets, they allocate a lot of budget to street improvement projects. In this circumstance, this study aims at understanding the problems of current urban design of Korea and providing future directions for making 'streets for people'.

Lim - other reports

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