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Policy Survey for Green Building Masterplan in Korea
Oh, Sunghoon Research Fellow Seong, Eunyoung Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-Provisional-2012-8
  • 2012.12.31
  • 250Page
  • Hit 1429
Summary The newly legislated 'Green Building Support Act' in Feb. 2012 is to designate required elements for green building construction, which is referred in the 'Framework Act on Low Carbon Green Growth' in Korea. This support act aims to diminish green house gas emission and to increase social welfare by boosting the green building construction in Korea. According to this act, 'National Masterplan for Green Building' must be established every 5 years. The masterplan is a comprehensive plan on green building, which consists of current status, vision, policy direction, information system, research, development, and policy implement.
This report is prepared to suggest the contextual ground for founding and managing of the 'National Master Plan for Green Building' by comparative case study. With this goal, the domestic green building situation is briefly summarized, and green building related policy packages are surveyed across seven countries in order to draw effective implications for the first national masterplan for green building in Korea. The deductions from the global survey are as follow.

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