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Multi-dimensional evaluation system for pedestrian environment
Oh, Sunghoon Associate Research Fellow Seong, Eunyoung Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-Basic-2009-9
  • 2009.12.31
  • 0Page
  • Hit 1373

Pedestrian environment is a terminal of the personal experience and everyday urban life. This study is about finding ways to evaluate pedestrian environment with more rationality and objectivity. Through the review of the literature on pedestrian needs and environmental elements related to walking and re-arrangement of evaluation system from the viewpoint of pedestrians, this study, in the long term, aims to
contribute to:
establishment of a practical foundation

◦ for comprehensive improvement of pedestrian environment, which is the essential part of the urban infrastructure for low-energy and low-carbon society.
◦ development of Multi-dimensional evaluation system for pedestrian environment, through integrated approaches over existing evaluation methods and instruments.
◦ suggestion of principles and guidelines for policy, planning, and management concerning pedestrian environment


Keywords : Pedestrian Environment, Pedestrian Focus, Pedestrian Behavior, Evaluation System


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