Research Paper
- Basic 2020-14
- 2020.12.31
- 6Page
- Hit 1323
The Korean Museum of Urbanism and Architecture is the first museum to be constructed within the national museum complex that is being pursued for the first time in Korea. In addition, its main theme is on urbanism and architecture, which were not main themes among museums, to serve as the first institute built as a cultural complex that not only conveys history, but also acts for communication, education and infrastructure research for the nation. Therefore, this report took into consideration the normal museum construction procedures and restriction conditions according to domestic administrative circumstances, but it expressed the importance of providing a strategy that can guarantee the future of the institute through sound opening of the museum exhibit. In particular, the artifact sector has not been directly mentioned in the numerous studies in the past, and its weight has not been presented in detail either. But this leads to the difficulty of having to procure the collection according to the museum construction condition within approximately four years from publishing this report.
Hence, there are limitations in actual procurement of artifacts based only on the administrative procedural operations of the MOLIT, which is the operating entity during this period, and it is necessary to begin a donation drive of valuable artifacts based on interest from the urban and architectural sector, as well as the entire nation.
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