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A Study on the Plan Improvement of Small Public Buildings
Park, Seokhwan Assistant Research Fellow Um, Woonjin Associate Research Fellow Byun, Nahyang Associate Research Fellow
  • Basic 2018-10
  • 2018.10.31
  • 5Page
  • Hit 12832
in this study, we draw up improvement tasks for improving the quality of small public buildings. preparation a checklist that can be used during the planning phase and review the comprehensive plan for internalization.
Review relevant press materials and prior study cases, through interviews with government employees and experts, we identified problems and drew improvement tasks to understand the problems and limitations of the process of building a small public building.
Common tasks require close cooperation between business units, facilities departments, and experts from the beginning of the project and design coordination and key decision making through user feedback is required at each stage of planning, design, and construction.

Park - other reports

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