Research Paper
- AURI-Provisional-2009-5
- 2009.12.31
- 260Page
- Hit 1395
Early child education, based on special character, is one of the solution for increase of working parents that cause low birth rate. Also, for the increase of social interest in health and welfare, on 2007, building standard was established to promote public value in architecture. Establishing early child care centers as a public facility will be important in social welfare aspects.
Public roles in early childhood centers is insufficient because Ministry of Education Science and Technology allocate low budget on early child care. For the easy access in high quality early child care centers with low cost and enhancing the public value in architecture by improving facility and materials, the assistance from government is essential. In addition, for raising creative and global brains and supporting low-middle income family, government needs to change some policies for
school environment and its facility.comecially, Early child care centers are school in the legal policy but practically they are exclal d from attaining the rights as a school.cturrently, with the design standards for public early childhood centers, it is not guaranteed the effectiveness of center
construction. To design high quality architectural environment and keep maintaining consistently, public kindergarten as a independent facility needs to bring in integrated design guideline
In this research, integrated design guideline of kindergarten is proposed to control the process; plan-design-construction-use and maintenance. Also this guideline will be helpful for quality control for designing early childhood centers. with this guideline, it is expected that basic direction of policy enable public independent kindergarten to pursuit public value as a facility as well as a good child education place.