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Strategic Asset Management Policy Proposal for Enhancing Utilization of Public Buildings
Lim, Hyunsung Assistant Research Fellow Um, Woonjin Assistant Research Fellow
  • ARUI-기본-2013-4
  • 2013.12.31
  • 5Page
  • Hit 1073
Summary  Due to the continuing economic recession and unstable local government finances it is becoming increasingly difficult to secure large-scale public facilities, hence active utilization of existing public buildings is required. Despite such conditions, there is currently little effort made towards active utilization and management of public facilities which is causing an overall deterioration in public service quality. This study aims to analyze the causes behind this lack of efficiency in public facility utilization and also identify legislative limitations, in order to set up a general framework for public facility utilization policy which would effectively respond to local conditions and demands.

Lim - other reports

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