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A Study on the Counseling and Inspection Cases of Partial Repair of Hanok in Seoul
Sim, Kyungmi Associate Research Fellow Jin, Teseung Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-Hanok-2015-1
  • 2015.12.31
  • 4Page
  • Hit 6594
Summary   This study is based on the premise of necessity of supporting partial repair service of Hanok, attempting to present the directions for the implementation of policies to support repair parts through identifying the various condition of Hanok residents. For this to be done, in-depth interview carried out for verifying the awareness of the existing repair parts policies and the needs of partial repair after identifying the conditions of Hanok residents. Moreover, the actual demands of the partial repair were investigated through requests of the residents or visits, and the condition of Hanok was inspected accompanied by experts.

Sim - other reports

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