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A Study on the Legal System Improvement of the Architectural Services Industry for Green Growth
Kim, Jinwook Associate Research Fellow Sim, Kyungmi Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-Basic-2010-8
  • 2010.12.31
  • 0Page
  • Hit 1481

In 2009, the government clearly stated, upon complete revision of the Industrial Development Act, that the architectural sector comes under the category of the knowledge services industry to lead green growth. This can be interpreted as a follow-up of the reorganization of the industrial structure in response to the new pattern of economic growth including green growth. However, the competitiveness of the nation's architectural services industry is extremely fragile, with the businesses
remaining small-scale.
The market size of the architectural services industry of Seoul takes the 13th place of a total of 2,076 global cities. The architectural services industry creates high added value compared to other industries, with huge impact on the entire industries related because it is linked to a lot of industries.
As such, the study begins with the awareness that the architectural services industry as a potential growth engine needs to accommodate new patterns of economic growth, and that it is required to reorganize the industry towards an industrial structure and prepare measures for legal assistance to nurture the industry.
In this vein, the study intends to introduce the concept of industry to the architectural sector, suggest the need to revise architecture-related laws and institutions for the promotion, and provide directions towards restructuring of the legal system.
In order to explore the reason the architectural sector, as a knowledge services industry, needs to be restructured into and recognized as an industry, Chapter Two analyzes the industrial value of the knowledge and the architectural services industries. In addition, the chapter examines the activities for the industrial restructuring have been carried out primarily in the sectors of design and engineering,
along with the current status of policy support.

Key words : Architectural Services Industry, Knowledge Services Industry, Green Growth, Legal System Improvement, The Act on the Promotion of the Architectural Services Industry, The Framework Act on Architecture, Architectural Contract


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