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A Study on the Amendment of the Landscape Act
Lee, Sangmin Research Fellow Song, Yunjeong Assistant Research Fellow Sim, Kyungmi Research Fellow Lee, Kyungjae Assistant Research Fellow
  • General 2020-1
  • 2020.12.31
  • 3Page
  • Hit 21872

Against the backdrop of the current execution of landscape management systems by local governments and their limitations, this study aims to strengthen the implementation of landscape management and to increase the efficacy of the relevant regulations by improving landscape management systems and amending the Landscape Act. In particular, after the amendment of the Act in 2014, 5 years have passed since local governments have started to run their own landscape management systems, constantly raising the need to improve the relevant regulations.

In the public awareness study on the national landscape conducted in 2019, the majority of experts suggested that “legal regulations must be improved” to better implement landscape management. In addition, those who are responsible for executing the system, such as landscape planners, applicants to landscape review, and local government officials, have consistently raised demands for regulatory improvements.

As a result, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport has come to recognize the need for regulatory improvements, and has expressed their willingness to amend the relevant laws. Reflecting this, they established and implemented the Second Plan for Landscape Policy (2020-2024). Therefore, to respond to such changes in landscape policy, major regulatory maintenance is required for landscape management.


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