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A Study on Urban Regeneration utilizing historic buildings of Korean modern times
Kwon, Youngsang Associate Research Fellow Sim, Kyungmi Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-Basic-2009-5
  • 2009.12.31
  • 0Page
  • Hit 17326

Architecture buildings, which reflect the history and culture of the periods, identify the character of the place as a historical heritages as well as enhance economic competitiveness and branding power of the city. The boundary of modern buildings include not only cultural assets but also typical traditional modern architecture buildings. They are contributed to elevate the quality of urban lives and economic competitiveness. On the other hand, connecting modern architecture buildings and local revitalization policy will be valuable for sustainable use of modern architecture and catalyzing local community development. From the view of using modern architecture buildings, this research proposes community development and presents the necessity of maintaining individual modern buildings including surroundings by areas.
The scopes of research are diagnosing current situation of modern architecture building and their issues, reviewing oversea cases of community development plan based on using modern architecture and further studys. The methods of research are reviewing legal restriction, design guide and interview, specialty consulting from field trip to seven domestic and overseas area.


Key words: Modern architecture, Modern urban environment, history culture environment, local vitality policy


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