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A Study on Road Lighting Standards to Reduce Fear of Crime
Son, Dongpil Research Fellow Hyeon, Taehwan Assistant Research Fellow Park, Yuna
  • General 2021-5
  • 2021.12.31
  • 6Page
  • Hit 8341

Lighting has been regarded as an important factor for creating a safe environment at night. In the West, analysis studies on the effects of lighting have been conducted along with the lighting improvement project aimed at  reducing crime in the 1960s. This can be seen as a part of satisfying people's desire for living in a safe space, and the safety that people feel here also includes relieving anxiety about crime. Because fear of crime can have a more negative effect on people's behavior and psychology than actual crime, research on reducing fear of crime is important. Theories related to the fear of crime have developed from an individual side to an environmental side based on the assumption that people's cognitions and behaviors will be changed by the environment. In particular, people perceive and react to the environment mainly through their eyes, but if they do not secure a proper field of view, people feel fear. So, lighting has been playing an important role because it expands the scope of spatial perception by providing people with a wider field of view.


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