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A Study on Amendment of 「Building Act」 and Subordinate Legislation for CPTED
Cho, Youngjin Associate Research Fellow Son, Dongpil Research Fellow
  • AURI-Provisional-2016-3
  • 2016.08.31
  • 4Page
  • Hit 17852
Buildings prescribed by presidential decree should be constructed in compliance with the anti-crime standards announced by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport since Building Act and Enforcement Decree of the Building Act was amended in May, 2014. 
This research seeks to provide several suggestions about system improvement for effective crime prevention in buildings, reviewing articles of Building Act, Enforcement Decree of The Building Act and Anti-Crime Building Standard. System improvement plan was drawn through three process: analysis of civil complaints; analysis of legislations regarding to anti-crime for buildings; complementation of the plan by task force composed of professionals in the CPTED field.

Cho - other reports

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