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A Research of the Resilient Urban Design for Natural Disasters by Climate Change
Lee, Eunseok Associate Research Fellow Kang, Hyunmi Associate Research Fellow Han, Sukyoung Associate Research Fellow Ji, Seokhwan Assistant Research Fellow Yoon, Hoseon Assistant Research Fellow
  • Basic 2019-9
  • 2019.10.31
  • 6Page
  • Hit 21461

This study aims at diagnosing the vulnerability of urban areas due to heat waves and heavy rains assuming a future that is difficult to predict due to the summer effects of climate change. As a precautionary measure on vulnerability, the Paris Convention and the international community agree in common and follow the vulnerability analysis function formulated by the IPCC. Exposure, sensitivity and adaptability are defined as variables describing vulnerability, and each relationship is classified into factors that increase and mitigate vulnerability, and exposure and sensitivity are positive factors and
vulnerability to adaptability is increased. It is defined as a negative relationship as a factor.


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