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Suggestions for Improvement of Laws and Regulations regarding Building Maintenance and Deconstruction
Yu, Kwangheum Senior Research Fellow Shin, Chihoo Associate Research Fellow Cho, Youngjin Associate Research Fellow Lee, Jongmin Associate Research Fellow et al.
  • Provisional 2017-5
  • 2017.09.29
  • 2Page
  • Hit 20826
Summary Recently the importance of building management in its social interest is getting higher as the life cycle of building is increased in the low growth age. In 2020, the proportion of buildings over 30 years is expected to reach a half, and Korea is stipulating the maintenance of buildings in laws such as Building Act and Special Act on the Safety Control of Public Structures. However, the number of buildings that are managed under the current legislation is only 1.5% of the total inventory of buildings, and the majority of buildings exist in institutional blind spots.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to establish an organic system and to regulate institutional measures between related laws and ordinances to manage post-construction activities according to the life cycle of buildings. This study suggests Building Management Act as an institutional plan for systematically managing buildings through: examination of the definition, discussions on the
related literature and previous research, analysis of the current status and institutional system related to building management and deconstruction.
In order to systematize the management of buildings, this study proposes four methods and suggests Building Management Act.

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