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A Study on the Establishment and Application of the Assessment for Environment-Friendly Neighborhood Development(I)
Yu, Kwangheum Research Fellow Jin, Hyunyoung Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-Joint-2010-2
  • 2010.12.31
  • 0Page
  • Hit 1302

The Korea Government has been trying to respond to Green Race as well as to mitigate green gas emission ; they have instituted "Low Carbon and Green Growth" as a main national agenda and established both the goal of green gas reduction as 30% and integrated policies such as green buildings, green city, green transportation, making energy more efficient, providing jobs and opportunities to grow professionals who are able to work for green field. And the built environment in a
city has been improved a variety of scale projects from a single building to the mega new city. In this respect, diverse and ebullient urban development projects in Korea would be a great opportunity to ameliorate the urban structure and space to be more environment-friendly. For instance, the amount of 3,805 urban development projects' area is 438,589,365㎡, which almost is the two-thirds of Seoul's area.


Keywords : Environment-friendliness, Low Carbon, Neighborhood Development, Assessment, Urban Design


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