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Study on Design Guidelines of National Daycare Centers
Kim, Sangho Senior Research Fellow Yeo, Hyejin Associate Research Fellow Lee, Yeokyung Associate Research Fellow
  • AURI-Basic-2016-12
  • 2016.12.31
  • 8Page
  • Hit 1318
As a daycare center with children from 0 to 5 years of age and the nature of an educational institution that is first encountered by children is a public building of basic living unit that exists everywhere with a police station, a fire station, and a community center, the importance of daycare center is gradually increasing. This study has begun to suggest the desirable development direction of national daycare centers with high symbolism and speciality as a place for future generations. Therefore, this study proposes the necessity of design guideline which is necessary to establish basic spatial environment and plan direction necessary for the establishment of national daycare centers, and suggests guidelines and guidelines for establishing design guidelines to be applied to national daycare centers.

Kim - other reports

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