Research Paper
- AURI-Provisional-2010-3
- 2010.12.31
- 0Page
- Hit 1346
The architecture and Construction information systems currently lack in a national framework. They have been thus affected by the influx of overseas products including 3D CAD and the marketing strategies of the sub‐standard additional operators (3D CAD Vender). At present, the focus of the government relating to BIM policies is placed on establishing the criteria which can be all applicable to private sectors, ordering bodies and managerial organizations (e.g. Korea Expressway Corporation,
Facilities Management Corporation etc.). There are no BIM policies which aim to improve the productivity and efficiency of the industry due to the emphasis on the ordering bodies given the fact that the government is responsible for the expenses of the burden.
The purpose of this study, BIM for design and construction standards are not seeking to establish a tremendous purpose. BIM in order to be properly settled in the domestic dimension of the information to
prepare a strategic information plan what to do is to plan to. In this study, BIM for the establishment of information systems for the settlement from a macro perspective is presented step by step information process.
And specific information strategy planning (ISP) established before the introduction of BIM in production status and improve contrast, and by collecting feedback, production requirements are derived. In addition, the Information Strategy Planning (ISP) to develop plans for accurate and
efficient to be presented to the Guide Line. Thus, for the subsequent architecture and construction information systems business propose political goals and direction.
Keywords : Architecture and Construction Information, BIM (Building Information Modeling), 3D CAD, Roadmap, Information Strategy Planning(ISP), Architectural information clearing center