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Study on Crime Prevention Design Performance for Built Environment - Focusing on Development of Crime Prevention Evaluation Criteria for a Flat or Multiple Dwelling House -
Cho, Youngjin Associate Research Fellow Kim, Yonggook Associate Research Fellow
  • AURI-Basic-2016-1
  • 2016.10.31
  • 7Page
  • Hit 17286
Built environment is considered to have major places susceptible to violent crimes such as rape or forced indecent act. To deal with such criminal acts, relevant research and institutional framework for the prevention of potential crime on Built environment has been under preparation domestically focused on apartment. While a flat or multiple dwelling house forming 17% of the total of residential structures as of 2015 is prone to crime in its nature of architectural feature, those have been subject to low consideration in the field of crime prevention environmental design in comparison. This study is carried out to develop performance evaluation criteria of crime prevention design on a flat or multiple dwelling house steadily increasing in construction since 2010, and seeks to suggest activated application of the criteria.

Cho - other reports

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