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The Suggestions of Improvement Schemes for Urban Regeneration Act
Seo, Soojeong Senior Research Fellow Yoon, Zoosun Associate Research Fellow
  • AURI-Provisional-2015-2
  • 2015.08.31
  • 3Page
  • Hit 4079
Summary   This study aims to clarify the current limitations of Urban Regeneration Act and suggests improvement schemes for the Act. Although Urban Regeneration Act has been in operation for less than three years, we considered that a review of the Act is needed timely for following several reasons. First, the Act provides unclear goals and strategies for ‘economic-based urban regeneration’, so that it has led the private sector to poor participation. Secondly, while urban regeneration projects require frequent changes in plans to reflect residents’ fluid needs and uncertainty, a procedure to modify urban regeneration plan needs flexibility. Thirdly, due to a lack of legal basis regarding residents’ participation, residents’ participation has been conducted only as perfunctory efforts to show compliance. Lastly, there is a limitation to proceed separate legal procedure to approve each plans based on other regulations by other relevant laws, although regeneration plans target similar area and contain similar projects.

Seo - other reports

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