Research Paper
- General 2017-12
- 2017.12.31
- 3Page
- Hit 21154
The 「Copyright Act」 of Korea enacted in 1957, and it has been protected the copyright of various works for 60 years with 20 times revisions.
As enormous reproducing and distributing of works become easier than before from ancient printed matters to nowadays sound source and videos, there are lots of conflicts with copyright infringement in various industry fields. In addition, even though the value of relative works of K-culture that is loved cosmopolitanly has been risen, there are serious economic losses by copyright infringement.
Government agencies, private corporations and associations are promoting ‘Copyright Protection’ with utilizing a lot of media that the public is easy to contact, and induce the public to proper usage of works to prevent copyright infringement beforehand. Also, the government strengthen punishment at copyright infringement through improvement of a system, and expands scope of copyright protection target and act of violation with analyzing accumulated judicial precedents and dispute cases.
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