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A Study on Residential Regeneration Connected with Community Care Based on the Ageing in Place
Seo, Soojeong Senior Research Fellow Jang, Minyoung Associate Research Fellow Kim, Youngha Assistant Research Fellow
  • Basic 2020-13
  • 2020.12.31
  • 4Page
  • Hit 7041

This study recognizes that sustainable regeneration of residential areas is not viable unless improving the quality of life of the elderly, a high proportion of residents in old dwellings, is given priority. Insofar, to solve the aging population problem, which has been considered a factor of urban decline, projects for attracting younger population, creating jobs for the elderly, and building community support facilities have been realized. An analysis of the government-funded urban regeneration revitalization plan showed that while the projects for the elderly were numerous, these mostly focused on expanding welfare facilities, common facilities for residents, and rental housing. However, projects that establish a delivery system for care services or care service programs based on the notion of aging in place which is central to improving the quality of life for the elderly were found to be insufficient.


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