Research Paper
- General 2021-4
- 2021.12.31
- 4Page
- Hit 8299
The rapid aging of the population in Korea requires a response to policies in the health and welfare sector as well as policies in the architecture and urban design sector. The World Health Organization's guidelines for responding to the aged society also set a comprehensive response to the physical, social, and service environment to create an age-friendly living environment as a basic principle.
Nevertheless, the architecture and urban design policy to create an age-friendly living environment in Korea remains in the improvement of senior housing, institutional facility, and maintenance of the residential environment. On the other hand, Japan and the United States are taking the lead in improving the quality of life for the elderly and realizing Active Aging and Aging in Place. They designate regions and districts, create an age-friendly living environment through convergence of health welfare and architecture/urban design policies.
This study reviewed the laws, plans, and cases on the creation of an age-friendly living environment in Korea. The laws, plans, and cases were analyzed by dividing them into regions, districts, facilities, places, programs, and services. The laws, plans, and cases review to create an age-friendly living environment in Japan and the United States were also divided into regions, districts, facilities, places, programs, and services. Implications for improving architecture/urban design policies related to the creation of an age-friendly living environment in Korea were drawn.
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