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Survey on the Elderly's Perception and Satisf action of Urban Environment
Ko, Youngho Associate Research Fellow Choi, Gayoon Assistant Research Fellow
  • General 2020-2
  • 2020.12.31
  • 4Page
  • Hit 20639

The World Health Organization(WHO) proposed the creation of an age-friendly city and community as a way to simultaneously solve problems of population aging and welfare, society and cities. The WHO proposes eight domains for age-friendly cities and communities, including outdoor spaces and facilities, transportation, and housing, for the realization of an aged-friendly city and community, and to establish and implement a comprehensive plan. 

In Korea's response to the aging society, the results of the “Survey on the Elderly Status”, which is conducted every three years in accordance with the “Elderly Welfare Act”, are used as main data for establishing related policies and plans. As a result of comparing the eight domains for an age-friendly city proposed by WHO with the main survey contents of the elderly survey in Korea, it was confirmed that the physical living environment such as outdoor spaces and facilities was overlooked in the survey of the elderly.

This study conducted a nationwide survey on the perception and 
satisfaction of elderly people in Korea about major facilities and places in the living environment of urban communities. Through the results of the survey, it was attempted to provide an opportunity for the national policy to cope with the aging society to converge with the area of urban environment experienced by the elderly in their daily lives, merging with the existing health and welfare response.


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