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A Study on the Development of Landscape Education Program to Improve the Recognition of Landscape Value
Lee, Sangmin Research Fellow Lee, Yeokyung Associate Research Fellow
  • Basic 2018-17
  • 2018.12.31
  • 7Page
  • Hit 19999
The purpose of this study was to develop a plan to implement landscape education for the related groups (experts, citizens, children, etc.) for sustainable Landscape management. To do this, we first grasped the perceived level of landscape value of the related groups and presented the purpose, direction, and implementation plan of landscape education required by the related groups. We had also developed and applied a landscape education program for children who had not yet been interested on a trial basis. In particular, the study was carried out in collaboration with the Suwon Research Institute to verify the development and applicability of the children's landscape education program.

Lee - other reports

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