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A Study on Education and Certification System for Hanok Construction Professionals
Lee, Kangmin Associate Research Fellow Shin, Chihoo Associate Research Fellow Kim, Heejung Assistant Research Fellow Choi, Eunsuk Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-한옥-2013-6
  • 2013.12.31
  • 4Page
  • Hit 1303

 High quality of training policy for Hanok professionals has not sufficiently established while the number of the professionals is expected to grow as the Hanok demand increases. Also, a plan that changes the existing education system according to the modernized production method of Hanok and that systematically verifies the professionals’ expertise is inadequate. Hence, this research proposes a systematical plan for the Hanok professionals’ education, establishes a certification system for training curriculums for the Hanok professionals, and finds a way to improve the qualification system of the Hanok professionals.  


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